Monday, July 14, 2014

Blogpost # 8: The Ugly Truth

Aggression and Violence have been causing our society a huge problem for a very long time. Because these two things have been teaching our kids and adults to hurt each other and ruin the lives of innocent people. Our researchers are doing their best to find the reason, what makes an individual to behave in an aggressive manner. And our law enforcement authorities have been working nonstop to prevent anyone from doing such violent acts to others. When you compare these two you’ll see that they have the same meaning and the same effect but I found out that there are differences between aggression and violence.

I've read an article entitled “Aggression and Violence: The Neurobiology of Experience” by Bruce D. Perry MD., Ph. D. from the site

In this article it said that Violence consist of many types and can be trigger by many kind of means. One is the physical violence; it occurs when you inflict harm by the use of your body, this includes punching, kicking, and slapping etc. This can be triggered when reacting into a threat or defensive; predatory or by instinct, and when you have a strong dislike to someone, guilt or regret about something you have done.  This aggression is impulsive means that something that you can do without giving it a proper thought or planning. A person may also act violent if he/she is suffering from psychosis or other mental illnesses such as; dementia, schizophrenia, or traumatic head injury due to some accident.

A person can also be violent when under the influence of alcohol because it affects some region of the brain. One is the Cerebral Cortex. Alcohol slows down the processing of information of our senses and the process of our thoughts that makes us to be angry easily. Second is the Hypothalamus and Pituitary these two is responsible for the control of sexual arousal and performance. Alcohol increases the urge of having sex. Violent acts may be the result of personal or belief systems.

Some because of having an abusive parents or a religion that encourage its members to do harmful acts like bombing and kidnapping to terrorize the community. Violence can be sexualized raping innocent kids or directed at a specific victim or at a specific group.

“Aggression is not violence. An aggressive person may not be violent. Aggression is a behavior characterized by verbal or physical attack, yet it may be appropriate and self-protective or destructive and violent,” says Bruce Perry

Aggression is a behavior that can be found in all human beings and shown in a negative (harmful) way in terms of language and when you’re interacting physically to other person or on their personal stuff like damage to objects and property, assault on self and others and violent threats to others. Based on the article, all behavior that can cause harm to others can be include or called as aggression.

According to an article written by Heather Whipps entitled “The Evolution of Human Aggression” from the site in a conference held at the University of Utah they’ve aim to discuss how human evolution helped shaping various ways of displaying aggression in our modern society.

"Humans are unique in the complexity of their social relationships and their highly developed social intelligence. Revenge and spite are quintessential social emotions and so are not likely to be found in many, if any, other species," says Professor Cashdan

A professor of anthropology named Elizabeth Cashdan explained that violence, reconciliation, and cooperation are all part of human nature. Evolution is one reason why humans exhibit aggression because its a primal emotion like any other. And just like in the world of animals, having an aggressive behavior is a part of their lives in order for them to survive their environment and humans is definitely one of the most violent species.

An example was given by Professor Cashdan and according to her “some male insects are more likely to guard their mates when there are fewer females in the population, hence fewer other mating opportunities. Natural selection didn't just shape a fixed behavior, it shaped the norm of reaction — the nature of the response." And we can conclude that aggression is developed through a set of condition that lures humans into violence.

"Everyone has experienced anger at one point in their lives and some of us — males mostly, going by statistics — have channeled that anger into violence, perhaps by throwing a punch during a hockey game or after too many beers at the bar," says Heather Whipps

The evolution of aggression among humans is bound by conditions that trigger them to do something that will benefit them. And in our society today, violence comes when our instincts tells us that there is no other way to get what we want if we don’t grasp the opportunity of doing it. That is where situations like picking a fight to a student whom you think is much more stronger than you comes in thinking that the only reason for you to prove and have your place in the society is by beating him in a way that you know will be an advantage to your side.

Its funny that the aggression we really hate is the thing that makes our race alive. Its helps us to cope with our new environment. Evolution shapes us to be like this. Now, we owe our life to aggression. Many people says that bullying will never end. Yes, that's possible. But, i know it can be prevented. We can make the cases of bullying to drop as long as we work together, as long as we have respect to each other. I know, I believe bullying will end.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Blogpost # 7: Bullying Nurture Our Future Law Offender

Have you ever committed a crime? An action that consider as an offense that may be prosecuted by the authority and is punishable by law? Something illegal or something that although not consider as unlawful, but something evil, shameful or wrong? If so how? There are four categories of crime, One is the offense against the person; it’s when someone has inflict a harm to another person. That also divided into three categories (Fatal offense, sexual offense, and non-fatal non sexual offense). Second is the violent offense, it’s a crime that usually ends with violence such as Murder, robbery, homicide to harassment. Third is the Sexual offense that deals with the regulation by law of sexual activity, this includes sexual abuse. And sometimes the law forbid someone to do engage in sexual activity if he/she has a sexual disease that can be pass through sexual intercourse to prevent the disease from spreading from one human to another. Fourth is the offense against property this only includes the crime of taking money or property such as; burglary, arson, theft, vandalism, and shoplifting.

There are so many reasons why people still engaged in this kind of wrong doings. Despite the fact, that this kind of activity is punishable by law. I've read an article entitled "Bully Today, Criminal Tomorrow" by Dr. Laura Finley from the site, in this article the author linked bullying on the prevalence of crime that involves teenagers. Dr. Laura stated: "Bullying in youth is a risk factor for later delinquency and criminal activity. It is not just the bullies who are at greater risk, though. Victims of bullying are also more likely to be involved in some type of criminal activity later in life." One Swedish study reveals that 55 percent of children who perform bullying, is more likely to commit one or two crimes when he reached adolescence, and 38 percent has a high chance to be involved in at least three crimes. This article is comprised with another report conducted by the U.S. about the link between crimes and bullying. The report said that 60 percent of the students who considered as a bullies between 6th an 9th grade will most likely to commit one crime by the age of 24, and 40 percent would be sentenced because of three or more crimes.

“In particular, male bullies who have mental health or psychiatric problems have been found to be far more likely to commit violent crimes as adults,” says Laura Finley

Many studies now had already proven that a child who has a background of being abused mentally, physically, or sexually may develop wrong morals which makes them introverts and have a strong dislike for the society around them. They grow up believing that the world is never in favor of them. That’s why victims of bullying are more likely to be engaged in criminal activity. Studies have shown that they may act powerful later in life. They will do anything and will do any extent to make sure they are in charge. This is also supported after the Columbine massacre in 1999; the U.S. Secret Service reviewed 37 school shootings and found out that bullying had been a major factor in two-thirds of them. Both bullies and victims are more likely than other students to carry weapons to school, increasing the likelihood of criminal activity on school grounds.

 “Both bullies and victims are more likely to get involved in intimate relationships that are abusive. Both are also more likely to use illegal substances. And both are at far greater risk to commit suicide than the general population,” says Laura Finley

Serial killers and mass murderers: are the only people capable of thinking death and fun together they find the thrill of killing innocent children, boys or girls, older woman and mature man pleasurable. Seeing the face of their victims as they express how much pain they were suffering makes a serial killer to do more harm to it. Strangling, raping innocent children, decapitating them, mutilating, sodomizing, torturing them, and there are some instances where they are eating some body parts of their victim. These people were really horrible in nature. But, do you know that these kinds of people have all something in common? And that we can prevent someone from turning into this “heartless monster”

You’ll know everything about it in this article entitled “Serial Killer’s Psychologyby Chaitra Suraj Saxena from the site we can’t see what’s happening on a serial killers mind. But we know that they are the kind of people who kills 3 or more people, and that they’re doing this because of hatred and fear, because they have experienced unhappy or traumatizing childhood. A person who feels inferior in childhood because of abuse will have the tendency to be obsessed with being in power when they grow up. And they will kill just to get this position in power. Children who grow up with the absence of parents love and the feeling of unwanted, is more likely to become violent later in life. Most of their victim are someone that is weaker than them, usually woman and children. Only a few serial killers target an old and middle-aged man.

“There have been cases where a person lived with dead bodies and treated them as family. This shows a serious problem of low self-esteem caused due to rejection. This sense of rejection can be so profound that serial killers prefer to live with dead bodies to overcome the fear of being rejected,” says Chaitra Suraj Saxena

This is evidence that a person who experience abuse will develop a twisted view in life. They thought that they’re not doing something wrong because that's how other people treat them. This kind of mindset that doesn't know what is wrong and right makes serial killers so very dangerous and unpredictable. In most of these serial killers, lies a common background of abuse - mental, physical, or sexual. In childhood this may lead to misplaced morals which makes inculcates a deep loathing for the society around them. All in all, serial killers have a background of abusive parents, ignored childhood on account of a dysfunctional family, and totally displaced moral values, extremely low self-esteem, and a seriously wrong concept of life and the working of society.

Many psychologists are convince that if only these kinds of people have been part of normal happy family that would at least lessen the thoughts of killing and prevent them from turning into a complete monster. There is no other solution than a complete family would give, a family that will support them whenever they have problem. A mother that will loved them with all her heart. An understanding father that will correct their wrongs. This kind of happiness would have been saved them.

I've found a list of serial killers and some of them really have a background of being abused in their childhood. This is not just a simple list of serial killers, but the list of the most heinous serial killer's throughout history. The article is entitled “Top 10 serial killers” by Sheetal Mandora from the site

John Wayne Gacy was a respected member of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, owner of a contracting business, and local Democratic Party’s precinct captain. Gacy was born in 1942 to an abusive and alcoholic father. Gacy is a homosexual and a child molester. After Gacy married and had two kids, rumors about him being a homosexual and a child molester began to circulate. When he started his contracting/building maintenance business, he hired mostly young teenage boys to continue his crimes. His neighbors, then started to complain about strange odors coming from his house and the Police discovered tons of evidence along with 33 bodies buried on and near Gacy's property. Gacy was convicted and sentenced to death by lethal injection. Gacy's last words: Kiss my ass.

Henry Lee Lucas was born August 23, 1936 to an alcoholic couple. His mother work as prostitutes to run the house while his father (would drown himself in alcohol all day. Henry had 8 siblings, but all were given to relatives, foster homes, and certain institution. Henry is “lucky” to stay with his parents.  After his father's death (fatal case of pneumonia), Henry was exposed to his mother's cruelty. His mother then finds a new lover “Uncle Bernie” who’s also an abusive and violent father. Henry is so desperate to know what sex with a human would be like, at age 15, He then kidnapped a girl, but he strangled it and bury the body near the woods when she tried to fight back. When convicted Henry had confessed to almost 3,000 murders, including his mother and he also said that he rape his mother’s corpse. In 1998, Henry was sentenced to the death penalty. But, Henry died in 2001 in prison due to heart failure.

“Sex is one of my downfalls. I get sex any way I can get it. If I have to force somebody to do it, I do... I rape them; I've done that. I've killed animals to have sex with them, and I've had sex... while they're alive,”
says Henry Lee Lucas

Pedro Alonso Lopez (The monster of Andes). He killed about 350 women and children. He was born in 1949 and was the 7th of the 13 children. At age of 8, his mother (a prostitute) caught him touching his sister's breasts and was then thrown out of the house forever. While he was living on the violent streets of Colombia a man offered to take him to a safe home. But the man forced Lopez to have sex with him. When Lopez came back to live in the streets an American couple provides a shelter for him and sent him to a school especially for orphan. But, a male teacher molested him. And he comes back into living in the streets and commits various crimes. At the age of 18 he was imprisoned and was gang-raped by his inmate. This kind of experienced brought a rage in his heart. . In 1978, he moved to Peru after being released from prison. There, he began abducting young girls; he raped and strangled them. Lopez would kill his victims during the day, so that he could see their eyes more clearly. He would use the corpses to play morbid games and hold tea parties. After he was arrested (due to an abduction that went wrong), Lopez confessed of killing more than 100 children in Peru, 100 in Colombia, and around 110 in Ecuador.

Albert Fish was born with the name Hamy Fish and was the youngest in a family of 4 children. His mother put him in an orphanage. He would get whipped there oftentimes and also realized that he was aroused by this and also enjoyed the physical pain. At age 12, he got into homosexual relationships and was also introduced to drinking urine and eating dung. Fish is considered to be America's most despicable pedophile, serial killer, and cannibal, he is also known by the names like Brooklyn Vampire, The Boogeyman, Gray Man, and the Werewolf of Wysteria. He had Multiple Personality Disorder. To the public, he was a kind grandfather, wonderful husband, and a model father to his kids, a complete contrast to the monster that he was from inside. He would also love to push needles inside various parts of his body, including his genitalia. And an X-ray report showed that there were about 27 needles in his body. At age 55, Fish started to experience hallucinations and believed that God had ordered him to castrate young boys. Fish was suspected to have killed 5 children, but he admits that he “had” about 100 in all the states to have "had”. Fish was sentenced to an execution on an electric chair. But, people are still wondering what does “had” mean cannibalization or molestation among 100 kids.

Andrei Romanovich Chikatilo was born in 1936. This Ukrainian serial killer commits 53 murders (women and children). Chikatilo was a bed wetter and was often beaten and scolded by his mother. Chikatilo growing up was very shy, especially to woman. The only sexual experience Chikatilo had. Is when he raped his sisters 11-year-old friend. Chikatilo committed his first murder when he moved to Shakhty. When he took a 9-year-old girl to an old house and tried to rape her, but couldn't achieve an erection. He strangled her to death and stabbed her body, which helped him ejaculate. Chikatilo’s is much more violent when compare to other killers as he would stab his victims repeatedly caused he feels that only in that way that he can release his sexual tension. In 1990, Chikatilo was arrested and there he confessed his 56 murders. In a trial that happens in 1992, Chikatilo was found guilty and was sentenced to death.

“Behind every murder, as each victim becomes a target one after another, lies a reason; either they have mental illnesses or harvest pure hatred and rage due to their past, childhood, or certain events. These killers are mere fragments of the beasts, psychopath and sadistic minds, who have succeeded in making the act of murder from a grotesque anomaly to an everyday horror. Doctors, who look in the psyche of any serial killer, report that each individual acquires positive attitude towards life and people during their childhood. However, this attitude can quickly change into a negative one due to physical and emotional child abuse,” says Sheetal Mandora

Now, here lies another reason why we should stop bullying, and start to treat our children with proper care and love. We now know that one major reason why a person commits a crime, is when he undergone such abuse early in childhood. So, as an adult it is our responsibility to teach our children what is wrong and that bullying is not right, to interact with others in a peaceful manner and to have respect to one another. I’m sure that you don’t want to see news saying that a student carry a weapon to school and go on rampage, killing those kids who make fun of them and his own teachers or another serial killer who killed several innocent children, raping women, decapitating and eating his victims. All evidence is now presented, it is in your hands now. Make a choice. Stand up. Speak up. Stop bullying.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Blogpost # 6: Foolish Hazing Distorts The Real Meaning of Brotherhood

What is hazing? Based on my understanding Hazing is the process in which the aspiring member (Neophyte) needs to undergo some difficult and often humiliating training as part of the initiation in order to be accepted in a particular organization, and also this process involves misconduct of the elder member that can inflict physical and psychological harm to the neophyte. This kind of activity is commonly used when you're joining Fraternity and Sorority in college, or a Gang. But how come many people would still insist that hazing is completely different from bullying. For me, I agree with this quote:

"When it meets this three criteria (imbalance in power, intent to cause harm and threat for future harm), its bullying  - plain and simple", says Deborah Carpenter

An article entitled Bullying and Hazing - Is There a Difference? By Sherrie Gordon from the site point out the difference between Hazing and bullying. First is that bullying is an aggression performed by a group  or a single person that happens repetitively that includes physical harassment's like punching, kicking, pushing, tripping, strangling, hitting with an object, slapping and kneeing; and verbally assault like name-calling, gossiping, criticizing, threatening, blaming, accusing and slut shaming. Sometimes bullies exclude their victim from the group or social alienation to hurt their victim or to take away its sense of belonging.

Meanwhile, Hazing may use some of those tactics. But hazing is justified as a ritual and tradition that someone must go through in order to become part of the group. A ritual that can make its new member to feel mental and physical discomfort like being beaten up, feel embarrassed and humiliated like walking around the campus without anything to wear, and ridiculed like wearing a girls underwear while dancing, especially if you're a boy. 

Sherri Gordon stated that "the difference between these two are subtle. But after all, the same power differences are involved and the same intimidation tactics are used."

The big difference between bullying and hazing is that bullying is never about accepting someone into a group, it's about excluding someone. Second is that Hazing is performed by a group or a team, while bullies act alone or as a group. The third is that Hazing can be experienced only if you're a old enough (12-years-old and above), while bullying can occur at much younger age (3 years-old and above). And is that Hazing is more accepted by many people than bullying. "Even though its should not be, there should not be justifiable reason for hazing," says Sherrie Gordon

College is a demanding and overwhelming place. That's why student creates a group and join students organization that will give social benefit of friends that will give emotional support and help them cope with the new environment. But joining a group is not that easy. Unfortunately, in order to be accepted in this kind of student organization (Fraternity and Sorority) you need to undergo some ritual where you need to experience the same hardships that the senior member had experienced too as their tradition for the sake of what they called as "BROTHERHOOD"

I've read another article entitled Hazing Deaths College Fraternities Neophytes by Melanie Gueco from the site

Just like in many countries Hazing had been happening in the Philippines for a very long time and still existing until now. The tragedy that hazing can present is not new to the Filipino people. But how come many Fraternities and Sororities still perform this kind of brutality, this kind of stupidity? Can they see the agonizing pain on their victims mother? Watching them in the news is enough to make you feel how heart-shattering it may be when your loved-one died from the cruelty of hazing. Imagine, your lifeless child lying in the morgue with all black and blue on his body. It makes you wonder what kind of suffering did your child had experienced. What kind of people can do something like this to your precious child. The pain is too much. It's like your heart is filled with air and it is hard to breath. It makes them mad, and then cry again when they remember their child. Words cannot express how devastating it is for a parents to be in a situation like this.

And still, we can't blame those guys because they want to join a fraternity and then died from the process of hazing. Because there are so many things that a brotherhood can give to you. Some join because they can get scholarships, because someone will back you up when you have a problem. When you look at it, you can say that brotherhood is really a good thing. But, it's not!! Today's brotherhood is nothing like a piece of crap, it's bullshit!!, they see brotherhood in a twisted perception. They make their aspiring brother feel embarrassed, they beat it until it cannot move. And then if you overcome this kind of situation you will become their brothers? And what will happen if you don't pass? You're not worthy of becoming their brothers. That's why they'll just throw your body to a cliff or in a river? That makes no sense, the initiator should know when to stop if he/she feels like the neophyte will not finish the ritual and should make a verdict immediately that the neophyte is not going to be a member. They shouldn't wait until it's too late that the neophyte has been dead already because of harsh conditions.

 "This is why it is a sorry fact that hazing is done to people by the men who are supposed to be his brothers and protectors," says Melanie Gueco

The author is saying that this kind of brotherhood is nothing like fake, it should not be tolerated. The author tells a story about how a brotherhood should really work. It is a story that happened in 1892 about a brotherhood that perform an initiation to its neophyte by making it to stay in a dark room lit only by a single candle, and the neophytes loyalty was put into a test by asking important details about the organization. This brotherhood becomes one of the most respectable group even right now people from around the Philippines is still giving importance to this brotherhood. This revolutionary organization is called as the "Kataastaasan Kagalang-galangang Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan" or simply KKK or the Katipunan. This group was formed by Andres Bonifacio, one of the national hero of the Philippines. Its main goal is simply to defend and to free the country from Spanish colonization. The aspiring members of the Katipunan, which rose from tens of thousands, were made to undergo such initiation to test their loyalty to the brotherhood. The initiator will ask if they are willing to die for the sake of their country and for the brotherhood. 

They use this kind of torture to prevent anyone to give crucial information that will endanger the group especially when captured by the Spanish. And the sacrifice of those who died from torture from the hands of the Spaniards have not gone in vain. Because the Philippine declaration of independence was proclaimed on June 12, 1898 in Cavite II el Viejo (Kawit, Cavite) by the reading of Acta de la proclamaciĆ³n de independencia del pueblo Filipino by Filipino revolutionary forces under Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo.

"This was the kind of brotherhood that they had then. The type of fraternity worth dying for since it is their country’s freedom they are actually fighting for. This happened more than a century ago. This is no longer the case now. College fraternities exist to provide advantages to its members, not death," says Melanie Gueco

We should always remember that brotherhood is a fraternal organization that all members benefited to its existence according to the rules and standards that was followed and abide by the elders and the newly members (neophytes). In addition, an initiation that includes beating really hard, and torture is not really necessary either it is constructive or destructive in purpose. I mean, we're no longer in war at this time with any country, there's no crucial information that needs to be hidden by any fraternity for their existence, and also because this kind of tradition can kill or put your new member in danger. And fraternity need members to generate funds for the future activity of the organization but how can they recruit if its new member is already dead? or traumatized because of the initiation?. So stop this IDIOCY!! STOP HAZING, STOP BULLYING!!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Blogpost # 5: Girls: The Invisible Tormentor

What comes to your mind when you encounter the word invisible? Things that cannot be seen? The Hallow Man? Ghosts? Superheroes? Something that is totally cool? Well, what I am about to tell you will make the word invisible not cool. Because I'm going to talk about bullying, bullying that is invisible, undetectable , unstoppable. This form of bullying is called the "Indirect Bullying". This takes place when a person or a group of people spread rumors or stories that will ruin someone else social standing. And it said that girls are more likely to be this kind of bully.

I've read an article entitled "How Girls Bully" by Mark Hardcastle from the site
This article identified the difference between how boys and girls bully. Since boys and girls have their own way of playing. For example, boys at a very young age are engaged in sports like basketball, football, soccer in which sometimes feel like a requirements for them. This kind of activities helps them improve their strength and made them competitive and those kids who failed to engage in those kinds of activities are more likely to get bullied. While girls have higher possibility to just play with their doll, stuff toy and things that is not that tiring. But there are also girls who like sport. Then, as the girls get older their peer interaction become less physical and become more verbal because girls create bonds by sharing stories. Maybe stories about their family, their crush, their ambition etc. Since girls bond differently from boys it makes sense why they don't perform the same kind of bullying. Boys are more likely to be both bully and be bullied, and boys are known for the direct bullying. Examples of direct bullying would include punching, kicking, slapping, name calling, taunting, threatening any open attacks. While girls used indirect kind of bullying this include repeatedly destroying its victim's reputation by spreading rumors, creating embarrassing stories, and malicious gossip. Girls do this kind a activity behind their victims back.

"Most studies about bullying focus on boys as aggressors but girls can be bullies too and when girls bully it can be an entirely beast. When we think of bullying we tend to think of physical violence and outward taunting but when girls bully their tactic are often quiet and covert," says Mike Hardcastle

Girls bullying is hard to detect because they bully on a less obvious form and also because they work as a group who secretly spreading rumors. They can use technology for example, they can send text from any one in their school that this girl is like that and like this. So that they can exclude their victim from the group, they can make it feel like an alien from taking away its sense of belonging to the group. This type of bullying is difficult to stop because the identity of the person responsible may never be discovered.

The kind of bullying can make the victim to develop panic disorder. Once someone had this disorder and something had triggered the attack, for example when on the bus to school, at the classroom, or at the comfort room there is a chance that the victim may develop irrational fears, also known as phobias about these situations or place and start to avoid them. There are some cases where the pattern of the avoidance about another attack may reach the point which the thought of going into those places or doing those activities that cause the first attack triggers the future attack, resulting in the victim unable just to even step out of the house. Like other mental illnesses, panic disorder can have a serious impact on a person's daily life unless if the victim receives an effective treatment. Panic attack, especially on children can have a very harmful effect this will causes them not to go to school, depressions and the children are going to have a suicidal thought, plans, and there is a possibility that the victim will commit suicide.

I've read another article entitled "Teenage Bullying Among Girls in High School" by Van Thompson from the site in this article it said that there are a wide variety of reasons why girls bully, this includes peer pressure and the desire to fit in the group that's why they do social alienation to others to make sure that they can be part of the group. But,  bullies have a little sympathy for their victim because they can see themselves by looking at them because they feel insecure too, that's why they want to be in control and dominate others. According to The National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center girls who came from a "highly permissive or highly authoritarian family" has a higher possibility to become bullies themselves. Some girls who experience being bullied and be the bully is more likely to be engaged in a group that is performing relational bullying because they believe that it will save them from being bullied.

While girls sometimes engage in physical aggression, they're more likely to engage in relational aggression, a form of psychological bullying that can quickly destroy self-esteem," says Rachel Simmons

What is Relational Aggression? Its a form of bullying that damage the relationship of the victim to other people. For example to her classmates, from the student of their school, to her friends and to her boyfriends.
Other girls may ruin the social status of their victims  by creating stories in the internet that will insult their victim, humiliate, they will try to lower the self-esteem of their victim. They might also make fun of their victim by whispering insults, calling names and threatened their victim by sending e-mail saying "go to hell, no one likes you, why don't you just die already". Rachel Simmon said "that a majority of teenage girls report at least one instance of relational bullying. Because this form of bullying doesn't leave visible wounds, it often goes undetected"

Van Thompson stated that "Any girl can be a victim of bullying". And being different can increase the possibility of being bullied. For example, you're more sexually attractive, wearing different clothes, your family income, and if you just transferred to a new school. A person who has just entered puberty much later and students with disability are more likely to be bullied too.

In my conclusion when it comes to girls and boys, indirect or direct bullying. Any of these forms can really harm and destroy the lives of its victim. But i am convinced that bullying that most girls perform are the one that is more frightening because there is a high chance that it will succeed and the probability of it being detected is almost impossible. It's hard to believe, but its the truth that the woman who we expect to be soft, beautiful, tender, nice and kind  can become an entirely inhuman, savage, violent, dangerous kind of beast when engage to bullying.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Blogpost # 4: Cyberbullying: The Most Devastating Form of Bullying

The internet is one of the greatest inventions in the field of technology. It makes our world seem smaller, It connects people from hundreds to thousands of miles away with the use of so many social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and others. And since many kids have found internet as one of their playground where they can play games and a new place to hang out like social networking sites that can make them a different person where they can remain unknown as they create fake screen names and profiles and be anything they want. Unfortunately, bullies will try anyway and will do anything to replenish their growing hunger to ruin someone else life. Bullies also evolve into one of the most fearful and most harmful criminals, and gave birth into one of the most dangerous forms of bullying and is popular by the name "Cyberbullying". Cyberbullying is the act of harassing other people in a deliberate, repeated, hostile manner using the technology.

I've read an article entitled "The Dangers Of Cyberbullying" by Kathleen Odenthal from the site

It this article it is said that cyberbullying is becoming more epidemic among children and since the internet has become one of the necessities of every human being because it can connect us to any people in any part of the world, and we can now learn anything in just a click by the way of Google search engine and YouTube tutorials it makes our lives better and easier. That is the reason why the usage of internet and social media also arises among people of all ages.

But, since bully will always be a bully, and they're basically everywhere, they see this significant change in peoples life as an opportunity to seize, and take advantage of it. As a result, "Cyberbullying cases continue to skyrocket as well," says Kathleen Odenthal

The author labeled those bullies in the internet as a "Keyboard Commandos" since the bully knows that other people can't see them typing behind their keyboards, they feel more at ease and more powerful. This made them to say things that are more offensive, cruel, harsh, than they would actually say to someone in person. And they can also make fun of your picture and other personal stuff 24/7 that will make their victims to feel more ashamed since it can be seen by their friends and they can post it to any site that will make their victim feel like the whole world is making fun of them. 

"Cyber bullying can be devastating to a child's self-esteem and can have lasting consequences on their mental health," say Kathleen Odenthal

The effects of bullying on the internet are more serious and harmful it can make the victim to drop out of school because they cannot endure the humiliation that their peers will do, their self-esteem and performance in school will surely drop, and they will have trouble to have a interest on many things. And their probability to engage in drugs and alcohol is also going to increase as well as their depressions. And in some extreme cases, where the victims think that there is no end to it, where they can't handle the maltreatment anymore. They ended up killing themselves.

Many researcher now is saying that the growth of suicide cases and suicidal attempts by teenagers is associated with bullying in cyber space. One study that supports this is the article written by David McNamee entitled "Cyberbullying: causes suicidal thought in kids more than traditional bullying" from the site 

Some studies suggest that suicide cases depend on the origin of the country. In the U.S. alone, it said that 20% of adolescents seriously consider suicide and between 5% and 8% of adolescents attempt suicide each year. Earlier studies about cyber bullying  suggest that its effect on a child's mind when it comes to suicidal idealization is about equal as traditional bullying.

But, the new studies conducted by researchers in Netherlands contradicts the previous study about bullying where it said that girls victims of bullying have a immediate increased in risk, and is more likely to have suicide idealization or commit suicide, while boys are said to have a suicidal attempt or commit suicide only when exposed to bullying in a long period of time.

Because in over 284,375 that participates in the study over 70,102 participants shows suicidal thought in association with cyber bullying. This analysis didn't find any difference between old and younger kid or boys and girls in how likely they were to have suicidal thoughts.

This research also contradicts the reports of some individual that cyber bullying and traditional bullying is in equal terms with the association of suicides. This study suggests that Cyber bullying can inflict more damage to a persons psychological health than traditional bullying.

"Potentially, the effects of cyberbullying are more sever because wider audiences can be reached through internet and material can be stored online, resulting in victims reliving denigrating experiences more often," says David McNamee

Well, whether its bullying on the cyber space or traditional bullying that usually happens at school. All the evidence and studies have shown that it can be really harmful to anyone.

Also one of the reasons why the internet is very popular for teenagers, especially for boys is because anything can be found on the internet. Things like scandals of celebrities, nude photos, videos that shows people having sexual intercourse and many more. 

Website that is tolerating this kind of activities is known as porn-sites. There is  nothing wrong in engaging to this kind of things, to watch this kind of things, and it actually helps some people, especially those soldiers that are deployed from different parts of the world, seafarers, migrant workers and many more. This kind of websites helps them dissipate their sadness, and reach their sexual dream. But, just like what I said earlier, bullies are everywhere, and just like you they watch porn too, they are on some Dating sites waiting for you. Bullying in the internet that involves sexual exploitation that employs non-physical coercion is called "Sextortion".

According to an article I've read "Sextortion 101: How to Avoid Becoming a Victim" by Bea Cupin from the site whether you're a person that is very knowledgeable about computer or someone who uses a computer for a small period of time you can be a victim of sextortion.

Sextortionist lure their prey by creating fake profiles on some social networking sites. A profile that will make their victims feel sexually aroused. For male victims they used a very beautiful woman that will make the victims turn on, sometimes they used kids to attract pedophile, and gays also have no exception, they'll lure it by creating a profile of a guy with a steaming hot body that will make any gays fall in love with. 

When the fish takes the bait, they'll ask it to communicate using software on the internet that will make them see each other, then they'll convince their victim to strip down and behave in a sexual manner in front of the webcam. Without knowing that the entire act is being recorded.
The sextortionist then threatens the victim that the video will go online if the victims will not send money that is ranging from $500 to $2000.

"If youre online and not careful, you could fall victim to an online "sextorion" scheme where suspects lure men by creating fake accounts on social networking sites," says Bea Cupin

A teenager named Daniel Perry, 17, from Scotland fall for this kind of extortion. Daniel becomes involved in a scam after having an online conversation with a person he believed to be a girl of his own age who then demanded money and said that his videos will be put on his Facebook if he refuse. This kind of threat makes him to jump from the Fourth Road Bridge and that causes his death.

We cant blame Daniel to fall from this kind of trick. He was just like any teenager out there that is looking for some action, for new adventure, exploring and is testing his capability. He was just a victim of those cold-hearted criminials.

I've read another article entitled "Cyberbullying linked to suicidal thoughts in children" by T.S Blanchard from it said that in the presentation that happens in 2012, on International Conference on Cyberbullying, a number of 23,420 children from across the Europe was surveyed and the researchers found out that 9 percent of them experience bullying via mobile phone or in the internet for last 12 months. That  is more than 2000 kids a year; 62 percent recovered immediately, 31 percent recovered after a few days after the bullying takes place, and 6 percent remained upset after a week.

Then another charity named ChildLine, a private confidential telephone, email and online chat service for children and youth in the UK. Reports that 4,507 cases of cyber bulying in 2012-2013, up from 2,410 in 2011-2012, with an 87 percent increase in ChildLine operator exchange with young people experiencing online bullying, a 41 percent increase in exchange about self-harm, and a 33 percent increase in exchange of suicidal thoughts and feelings.

"This report is a real wake-up call. Far too many of the nation's children seems to be struggling and in despair. Its so important that we support children to talk about issues and look out for sign that they're not able to cope," says Esther Rantzen, founder of ChildLine 

This article is showing that prevalence in cyberbullying is increasing. And is saying that cyberbullying is one of the major elements and strongly linked why many teenagers commit suicide, than to traditional face-to-face bullying. And since finding the bully in cyber space is not that easy, because it can spans all over the world and can use many kinds of trick, especially those people who intentionally pursue a course that will make them an expert to do nasty stuff in the world of internet. For example, the sextortion scheme this is an organized criminal activity, in which they generate profit by exploiting the weakness of others. This makes many countries to consider cyberbullying a crime and take action, police all over the world is now coordinating with each other giving information, doing buy-bust operation, preventing that this kinds of crime will never happened again. 

"As suicides and suicide attempts by teenagers who have been victim of online bullies receive widespread media attention, preventing cyberbullying and protecting well-being of young people in the era of digital technologies has become more pressing than ever before," says T.S. Blanchard

Today, with the age of digital world anything can happen with just a click, bullying, no longer simply happens in one place, Now, people can be harassed from thousands of miles away, and with so many ways. It is now getting harder and harder to prevent it and protect the victims. Our technology should be used to make our lives better, and not to destroy another. We should use the internet to communicate, to educate, and never to make someone feel inadequate.

The problems that the traditional bullying have caused us is still existing and the effects that it can inflict to its victim is already frightening, but, imagine a bullying that can cause twice its problem, a bullying that can doubled the thoughts of its victims to attempt or commit suicide. We're still not done with it, But, here comes another form that is more hurtful and more fearsome, another form that is more complicated that will make our researchers to scratch their heads. This forms of bullying is called as cyber bullying; this forms of bullying uses the technology such as cellphones and internet via social networking sites to perform its wrongdoings, so bullies now can do harm to you  anytime, and anywhere. That's why, i am here now saying NO TO BULLYING and PLEASE BE AWARE!!!